Necessary Adjustments Suggestions

Thank you for allowing the San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) team to complete Phase 3 Monitoring of the HCBS- Final Rule requirements set forth by the Department of Developmental Service (DDS) Directive dated December 1, 2023. Our Monitoring Team requests adjustments in one or more of the Federal Guidelines. This page will help support you during that process. Below, you can click on the arrow down on the Federal Requirement to see suggestions for adjustments that you can make to comply with the HCBS Final Rule. 

You will have 30 days from the date of the letter to send proof of the adjustments via email at or by mail at Community Services Attn: HCBS Specialists 4355 Ruffin Rd, San Diego, CA 92123.

If you have questions or need support, contact your House Liaison or the email box. 

Federal Requirement #1: Access to Community

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #2: Choice of Setting

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #3: Right to be Treated Well

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #4: Independence

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #5: Choice of Services and Supports

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #6: Tenant's Rights; Residential Agreement

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #7: Privacy, Choice of Roommate, Furnish & Decorate Personal Areas & Locks on Doors

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #8: Choice of Schedule and Activities; Access to Food at Anytime

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #9: Right to Visitors

Suggestions of Adjustments:

Federal Requirement #10: Accessibility

Suggestions of Adjustments: